
Showing 15 reactions

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  • Simon Duncan
    commented 2024-03-06 12:44:07 +1100
    Further to my previous comment I offer you the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, which states that “the Minister must not approve an action consisting of or involving the construction or operation of a nuclear fuel fabrication plant, or a nuclear power station, or an enrichment plant, or a reprocessing facility.” It therefore follows that any proposal in relation to nuclear power (other than a proposal to amend the act) is a proposal to commit a criminal act and that any group which does so is guilty of conspiracy to break the law. Take note Peter Dutton, John Pessuto and Darren Chester!
  • Simon Duncan
    commented 2024-03-05 15:52:42 +1100
    Never mind the economic non sense of this nuclear proposal. Never mind the ecological damage that nuclear automatically creates by making waste that lasts for 100,000 years. Just think of the time frames involved. At the most optimistic we need to be absolute zero, not net zero but probably net negative long before a nuclear plant, let alone the half a dozen that would be required to be in any way relevant, could be built. We need to be at zero in the next 10 to 15 years, (if not yesterday) that’s the science. And this doesn’t allow for 2 major extra factors. First getting national agreement to remove the ban that makes this technology illegal in Australia and second the mass protest which would inevitably occur as people chain themselves to the fences, equipment etc needed to construct this abomination. 30 or 40 years is the best possible time frame, rendering this proposal completely irrelevant to the problem at hand.
  • Tony Peck
    commented 2020-08-23 11:22:33 +1000
    The last thing the Valley or indeed anywhere in Australia needs is Nuclear Power. These proposals are a joke in any case as the numbers just don’t stack up. Nuclear takes decades to build, costs mega dollars and could not compete even with existing new renewables, let alone in a decade or more when renewables are even more efficient and cost effective.

    Other impediments include, still after many decades of nuclear power plants, that we do not have solutions to long term storage of waste which is toxic for millennia.

    The CFMEU and other supporters of fossil fuels and nuclear need to accept that the new jobs will come with renewables. We need a transition plan that imbeds social justice for current employees in the fading industries and invests now in the industries of the future.

    New industries such as Electric Vehicle assembly/manufacture are potential Other options for the Valley.

    I would love to see the proponents of this hare brained idea Getting behind the amazing Star of The South project which will bring reliable cheap power to our region with lots of jobs during construction followed by significant ongoing jobs.
  • Merv Ford
    commented 2020-08-22 10:35:39 +1000
    “This is a long standing and well known social and economic phenomenon. The more a community is perceived to be in need of jobs, the dirtier the jobs offered will be.”

    SPOT ON.
    Why is the CFMMEU so backwards. Do they really stand for workers wellbeing or just membership numbers and to hell with the communitys health.
  • Cherry Prior
    commented 2020-08-22 09:28:34 +1000
    I tried to vote but it wouldn’t allow me to submit the form. It said to try again and now the button to vote has disappeared, presumably so we don’t vote twice.

    Not sure about the software – survey monkey may be a better option for you.

    P S my answers to your questions were no, no and no
  • Eleanor AbernathyⓋ
    commented 2020-08-21 17:45:32 +1000
    Much better to support a renewables energy industry than continue to destroy the environment by digging up carcinogenic substances. Mining harms communities, it is not the only option stop limiting Victoria’s potential. We can create manufacturing. Restore ecosystems. Grow food. Nuclear is a backward step not forward thinking and is not unlimited. Don’t let fear of change drive the future, think of the children. Their lives depend on us not recreating the problems of the past.
  • Ada Wildgoose
    commented 2020-06-16 06:26:34 +1000
    As I pass that great, dirty, black ugly hoIe in the ground on the tourst highway to East Gippsland, my mind is filled with glorious hope to see an emulation of THE BUTCHART GARDENS. Wouldnt that be a terrific community project? Owned and lived by all FOREVER. Not to mentiin the enormous tourism and jobs growth.
    We don’t need a waterhole.
  • Jean Claude Baumgartner
    followed this page 2018-08-19 01:06:07 +1000
  • Wendy Akers
    commented 2016-10-16 14:43:13 +1100
    I have a bad habit of writing little ditties about my Victorian childhood. Here’s one about Morwell (no tune added).
    Oh how proud are we from the Valley
    With Hazelwood right up our alley
    The coal dust wafting on our clothes line
    The coughing that can only be eased by a mixture of brine
    Playing in the pit by the little rail line
    Until the workers scream ‘why don’t you kids go away ’
    Being quiet during the day so dad he could sleep
    He had to run the dredge so us he could keep
  • Marianne Robinson
    followed this page 2016-08-21 20:41:33 +1000
  • Helen Marshall
    commented 2016-08-11 21:27:39 +1000
    Those who commute from Gippsland for work or family need the service to continue .
  • Peter Cooke
    commented 2016-08-09 19:40:43 +1000
    This is an essential service that must be maintained and improved, not destroyed.
  • Peter O'reilly
    commented 2016-08-09 16:21:20 +1000
    Country Victoria needs this service, please do not remove it 😧
  • Cal Dark
    commented 2016-08-08 21:20:13 +1000
    This service is essential to us in Gippsland, please dont take it away.
  • David Graham
    commented 2016-08-08 10:04:44 +1000
    Gippsland people have the same rights as Melbournians !

    Never forget it !!